A new year...
Tuesday, January 12, 20162015 is gone. Over and done with!
What have I been doing the past year? Pretty much the same as in 2014.
I'm not really the kind of person who makes new year's resolutions either, because it usually only takes a week before they are forgotten about again.
I just like to take the year, the months and the weeks as they come.
Do I feel like doing something specific? Then I'll do it! Do I want to take a break from other things for a while? Fine as well!
And that's what I have been up to in the last quarter of 2015. Taking a break, from my blog in this case. Why? I was so focused on other things I couldn't find the time, nor the energy to bring you something that has actual content. And for those who've watched Bambi in their younger years I'll quickly insert my favorite Thumper quote: 'If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all!'
What will 2016 have in store?
Good things, I hope! But just like everything else, I'll have to work hard for them to happen.
First on my list is moving into our house! Me and the - most amazing - boyfriend have been renovating for 2 years now. We went from a house, to a stripped down bunch of walls from what used to be a house to something that's finally starting to look like an actual home! We don't have a date set yet for when we want to move exactly, and still have quite some work to do, but we'll get there!
Simultaneously I'll also be thinking about where I want to be going with this blog. Because since me and the boyfriend will be moving in together, it will also have a big impact on my life, since there will be cooking, cleaning, decorating, ... you name it! So I would like to find a way to incorporate the blog into my day to day life. I especially don't want this to be a monolog about what I bought with money I should've spent otherwise, but a place where people come to be inspired, find ideas and have a chat.
Let's see where my ideas take me!
I'll make sure you get to read about them soon!
Zo te horen heeft 2016 allemaal fijne dingen voor je in petto! Gaan samenwonen klinkt fantastisch, veel succes meid!
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